January 9 date for Open House is changed to January 16

Admission Office: (703) 971-8004

Admission/School Office: (703) 971-8004

Admission at Calvary Road Christian School


The doors open at 6:45am daily and close at 6:00pm.

Preschoolers can be dropped off as early as 6:45am and picked up no later than 6:00pm. The formal learning day begins at 8:30am.

Elementary students can be dropped off as early as 8:00am and afternoon dismissal takes place at 3:15pm daily. Classes begin at 8:15am. Elementary students can opt to enroll in our extended day program. Morning care begins at 6:45am. Afternoon care extends through 6:00pm.

Students bring their own lunch or parents may purchase lunch through https://www.wholesomefoodservices.com/ an online delivery service that provides options from a variety of restaurants.

Our Preschool is licensed by the state of Virginia. CRCS has started the accreditation process for elementary through the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI).

Our Preschool 3 and Preschool 4 classes maintain a ratio of 10:1 in accordance with state law. Our elementary classes average around 16 students. Kindergarten classes have a maximum of 18 students and grades 1 – 6 have a cap of 20 students per class. There can be upwards of three classes on any given grade level, depending on the enrollment for that year.

All of our full-time teaching staff have a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in education. Many of our teachers have master’s degrees and a few have finished doctoral work as well. Teacher are required to earn continual education units (CEU’s) by attending workshops and staff development courses throughout the school year.

Elementary students from Kindergarten through Grade 6 wear uniforms as a part of our dress code. FlynnO’Hara is our official uniform retailer, and they have a variety of options that fit our dress code. Preschoolers may way any casual attire suitable for active play. Close-toed shoes are required for all students on all grade levels.

Students in grades 5 and 6 have the opportunity to participate in both Boy’s and Girls’ Basketball, Girls Volleyball and Boy’s Flag Football. We compete against other Christian and independent schools as a member of the Northern Virginia Independent Athletics Conference.

We offer a multi-child discount for families with two or more students enrolled, provided that at least one of those children is in Kindergarten through Sixth Grade. The multi-child discount can not be applied to Preschool tuition. Families are who are active members of Calvary Road Baptist Church, in good standing, are eligible for a 10% tuition discount. Full time CRCS faculty and staff of are also given a tuition discount for their enrolled children. CRCS does not participate in Child Aware or any other government sponsored childcare reimbursement program.

CRCS families are required to agree to our school’s statement of faith, understanding that this statement informs our practices and instruction both in and out of classroom. Families do not need to be active member of churches and they do not need to be Christian to attend CRCS.

CRCS students come from all over the DMV. There are no restrictions or requirement for where a family must live in order to attend our school.

All CRCS students must be transported to school by their parents and/or guardians. We do not provide transportation services.

CRCS has ongoing enrollment. If a seat is available, eligible applicants will be considered for enrollment at any time during the school year. Families who are interested in starting in the fall, at the traditional start of the new school year, are encouraged to apply in February of that same year.

Before school supervision is available from 6:45am – 8:00am. Afternoon Extended Care is available from 3:15am – 6:00pm. Extended Care is available to all students for a fee. You may contact our Financial Manager for more specific information.

CRCS has a state-of-the-art keyless security entry system. Parents are given a code upon acceptance into our school. Visitors are admitted through camera-monitored doors into the building via the office personnel. In addition to the entry door cameras, a series of internal and external security cameras are positioned throughout the campus.

Academic Day – 8:15 – 3:15
Extended Care (before and after school) – 6:45am – 6:00pm
School Office – 8:00am – 4:00pm

With a fully equipped kitchen, CRCS offers a full lunch menu, giving students the option of purchasing hot lunches from a monthly menu. Each parent with children in grades kindergarten through sixth, will set up a lunch account for their child in advance and choose daily whether they will bring a packed lunch or eat from the daily menu. Lunch is included in the preschool tuition.

School Speak is a school management system that provides a web interface for many common tasks done by schools via the computer. School Speak stores student records, including emergency contact information and medical records. This site is password protected. Students grades are stored in the School Speak system and can be accessed by student or parent at any time. Teachers access student’s contact information allowing better communication with parents. Teachers and administration post a weekly letter via School Speak that informs parents of events, activities and academics. (click here)

Our school participates in extracurricular activities such as spelling bees, math competitions and writing festivals. These competitions are held within our school and then the various grade level winners travel to various parts of Virginia to take part in regional competitions with other Christian schools.

Yes, students in kindergarten through sixth wear uniforms. These may be obtained through the uniform exchange on campus or purchased at www.flynnohara.com. Preschool students do not wear uniforms.

Calvary Road Christian School educates children of varying academic abilities. CRCS is not equipped to meet the needs of children with below average academic abilities, significant diagnosed learning differences, or emotional disturbances. Each student is evaluated on an individual basis.

Our preschool department complies with all applicable laws and regulations pertaining to staff-child ratios. The ratio is one staff member to ten students.
We have an average class size in kindergarten to sixth grade of sixteen.

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