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Gentle Parenting: Does It Bring a Desirable Outcome?

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The Lowdown on Gentle Parenting First off, gentle parenting is not new. It’s a philosophy that emphasizes empathy, respect, and understanding in the parent-child relationship. Instead of traditional discipline methods, it advocates for guiding children through their emotions and behaviors in a more compassionate manner. Sounds good, right? But how does this translate into the school setting? The Classroom […]

Preparing your Child for Kindergarten

Preparing your Child for Kindergarten

One of the hallmark periods of the parent journey is getting your children ready for Kindergarten. It is both exciting and scary. Many parents feel that they are in the dark, or at least in a fog, when it comes to tackling this task. Naturally, preparing your child for kindergarten is a significant step in […]

Making His-Story


In America, we set aside the month of February to celebrate Black History. Doing this places a focus on Black Americans who have contributed to the American experiment. It is important not to forget that this experiment is still in motion. On Sunday, February 12, 2023 (which also is the birthday of Abraham Lincoln – […]

Giving, Thankfulness, and Providence

Giving Thanks

One very important part of our mission at CRCS is to turn the eyes of our students outward. One way we approach this is to include service projects that call on students to give to a local community group that supports those who are less fortunate than they are. Suffice to say, children can get […]

Seeking Divine Intervention for Your Children


For us at Calvary Road Christian School, we have purposed ourselves to raise academic scholars who will seek God’s will for their lives. This is simple…and challenging. Children are free agents, as we all are. They can make good and bad decisions, as we all do. It is very difficult, to say the least, when […]

Back to School – Getting Ready

Back to school edited

It is that time of year…again. Seems to come around faster and faster. And comes at all of us with more and more to prepare for. Order and chaos can both reign. We certainly want order. But chaos is the default if order is not planned for. So how should you plan for the launch […]

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