January 9 date for Open House is changed to January 16

Calvary Road Christian School Blogs

Back to School – Getting Ready

It is that time of year…again. Seems to come around faster and faster. And comes at all of us with more and more to prepare for. Order and chaos can both reign. We certainly want order. But chaos is the default if order is not planned for. So how should you plan for the launch of this upcoming school year?

It is important to realize as a parent that your child may not be excited about returning to school. This not unusual. It is a mix of change adjustment, trepidation as the concern of academic success rears itself, and reconnecting with friends while also adjusting to anticipated peer pressure. So let’s take a look at some steps that you can take to get your children ready.

First, acknowledge the change.  In research conducted by Focus on the Family:

“Going back to school is really more than just a one day event. The back to school blues can start to creep in well before the first week of school arrives. This type of transition is about the forming of a new habit. Brain researchers agree that the forming of a new habit also includes the breaking of an old one.

Getting up early after three months of sleeping late requires both the dismantling of the old sleep pattern and the creation of the new pattern. A consistent bedtime and rise time will build more structure back into Nick’s schedule. Also, this new habit will help him to embrace routine as he anticipates the structured environment of a traditional school day.

Habits are patterns of behavior built on prior experiences. How a child responds to a difficult teacher, a difficult classmate or a difficult learning experience is often a habitual response. If your child has had a challenging or traumatic experience at school, it’s crucial that you acknowledge this issue and help your child separate the past from the present.”

Given the reality of facing change, below are some tips from this research that will assist you and your child in facing this task:

  • Plan for Change
    • Together with your child, identify in writing the habit of behavior or habit of mind that needs adjustment.
    • Then, write down some specific steps your child can take. With your support, they can move toward a more positive habit of behavior or mind.
  • Deal with One Habit at a Time
    • Even if you and your child have a laundry list of concerns about the new school year, choose to work on only one at a time.
  • Take Small Steps
    • Too large of steps can be difficult to manage.
  • Repeat the Desired Behavior
    • When building a new habit, frequency is key

Scripture clearly addresses change. In Ecclesiastes 3:1, Scripture clearly states, “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens”. So…prepare to embrace this latest new season of the upcoming school year. With a biblical lens, you will be able to spot and appreciate the blessings.


NOTE: The source material for this article can be found at: https://www.focusonthefamily.com/parenting/back-to-school-blues/

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