January 9 date for Open House is changed to January 16

Admission Office: (703) 971-8004

Admission/School Office: (703) 971-8004

Crusader Life at Calvary Road Christian School

Athletic Forms Packet

If you don’t want to submit the form online you can click the link below to download the file and submit to our school.

Athletic Forms Packet


  • Coaches’ Responsibilities
    • Make sure the fundamentals and skills are taught in that particular sport.
    • Teach and train young men and women to use their God-given talent to the best of their ability while displaying Christ-like characteristics in attitude and action.
    • Teach the athletes to strive for excellence.
  • Players’ Responsibilities
    • Attend scheduled practices
      1. Four unexcused missed practices will result in dismissal from the team.
      2. Unexcused missed practices will result in not starting or playing the next game.
      3. Players should contact coach in advance if a practice will be missed.
      4. Four excused missed practices may result in dismissal from the team at the discretion of the athletic director.
    • Support and encourage teammates while playing.
    • Show Christ-like qualities to teammates, fans, opposing teams, referees, parents and coaches.
      1. Display of negativity or demeaning of others may result in not playing or if in excess, dismissal from the team.
      2. Act towards others as Christ would have you act.
    • Take care of and return uniforms if they were not purchased by the athlete.
      1. Athletes who damage or stain school uniforms will be asked to pay for them.
  • Transportation
    • Athletes must travel to the game on the bus. They may ride home with their parents.
    • Athletes may not ride in a car to a game with another adult even if written permission is given unless the parent is helping with chaperoning the athletes to the game.
  • Awards
    • All athletes who remain a member of a team from the beginning of the season until the end will receive an award for participating.
    • If the athlete becomes ill or injured during the season and the coach feels they would have finished the season, then they may earn a trophy.
    • Athletes who become academically ineligible and/or miss 25% or more of the games will not receive an award.
    • Athletes who quit the team will not receive an award even if they have met the required number of games.
  • Eligibility
    • Athletes who have an overall grade point average of D or F may not play until they improve their average.
      • They may not attend games or practices with an F average
    • Athletes who have an F on an interim or report card (any class) may not play until it is brought up to a D.
      1. The first offense will cause the athlete to be suspended for two weeks. If at that time the grades are not brought up to a C average or they still have a D or an F, they will be permanently off the team.
      2. The second offense will result in permanent dismissal from the team.
    • Athletes who earn a significant amount of demerits or warnings may be dismissed from the team or suspended for a period of time. This will be decided by the middle school director.
      1. A detention will count as an unexcused practice.
      2. Athletes who have a detention on a scheduled game day will miss that game.
        Athletes who miss 2 games as a result of detentions will be dismissed from the team.


(to be completed)
In the event I cannot be reached in an emergency, I hereby give permission to physicians selected by the coaches and staff of Calvary Road Christian School to hospitalize, secure proper treatment for and to order injection and/or anesthesia and/or surgery for the person named above.


I have reviewed the individual eligibility rules and I am aware that with the participation in sports comes the risk of injury to my child/ward. I understand that the requirements of risk warning and informed consent, apply to all athletes in all programs. Parental informed consent is required for minor athletes. I understand that all possible precautions are taken to insure that all athletic activities at Calvary Road Christian School are conducted by mature and qualified personnel in a safe and responsible manner. However, anytime an individual is physically active, especially in a competitive program, there is a possibility of trauma. I further understand that, because of the nature of some of the activities in the athletic program, regardless of the high degree of supervision, there is potential for accidental injury. I recognize these risks and agree to allow my child to participate in these activities. I sign this athletic application having thoroughly read the statements above and I give my permission for my child to participate in the athletic program.


Occasionally we need parents to volunteer to drive our students to games or we need some of our students to ride with other parents. Please look the form over below and fill out the section that applies to you.

Section 1 – Permission for Child to Ride

Section 2 - Volunteer Driver Information

Check One:

Section 3 – Declaration and Signature


To be eligible to represent a school in any interschool athletic contest, a student shall have submitted to the athletic director of the school, prior to becoming a member of a school team, this form, completely filled in and properly signed. Please print Part V of the Athletic Forms Packet to take to the physician to be filled out. (Physical examination is required each school year after May 1 of the preceding school year and is good through June 30th of the current school year.)

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