January 9 date for Open House is changed to January 16

Calvary Road Christian School Blogs

Launching the CRCS Blog

Welcome to the CRCS Blog. We are excited to launch this platform as an added resource for the CRCS community. Our desire is to share information that will assist families as they navigate the journey of raising children with a biblical worldview. This is critical to their success in a world where success can be defined in so many ways.

At CRCS, our mission is to partner closely with families in raising students with godly character who recognize that they are God’s unique creation; that they can have eternal peace through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ; and that they are to serve Him with the talents and gifts with which they have been endowed.

In order to achieve success in this partnership, CRCS provides a distinctly Christian education that leads students to a lifetime commitment to Jesus Christ, the development of Christian character, excellence in academics and service to others. We seek to develop scholars whose Christian worldview impacts the world with the truth of scripture as penned infallibly through men inspired by the Holy Spirit.

In pursuing this mission, there will indeed be challenges and obstacles that educators and parents will encounter. Our desire is to share information with you from bonafide, trusted sources that will inform and empower you as you navigate the pathway of parenthood. Our ultimate goal is to underscore the principles of God’s blueprint for life and make the application of those principles pragmatic and achievable.

Our prayer is that this platform serves as a trusted resource upon which you can rely for help when faced with the challenges and opportunities that life will bring.

Remember these words: In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. John 16:33

Hold on to this when it seems that you are stuck or in a very difficult place on your child-rearing journey. We look forward to providing you with help and resources that will make clear the right choices along the parenting road that awaits you.

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