January 9 date for Open House is changed to January 16

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Parents Resources From Calvary Road Christian School

CRCS Computer Devices Policy

1. Electronic Devices

Cell phones are permitted at Calvary Road Christian School (‘CRCS’); however, they must be turned off on school property. Cell phones may not be carried during the school day or after hours. The phone must be kept in their book bag. Students may not display a cell phone or use it for any reason while on school premises or at a school sponsored event, at any time. The only exception to this rule will be made by a CRCS staff member during away athletic games.

In keeping with the school’s responsibility to provide a safe learning environment for all students, the board has established the following policy regarding the issue of “sexting.” Sexting is the act of sending, receiving, or forwarding sexually explicit or suggestive messages, photos, or images via cell phone, computer, or other digital device. Students engaged in such activities are subject to state laws and school discipline. The school considers sending, sharing, possessing or even viewing pictures, text messages, or e-mails that contain a sexual message or image a violation of this policy, a violation that will result in school discipline up to and including expulsion and in the notification of local law enforcement. Students are required to immediately report any such activities to a teacher or a school administrator.

  • Violation of this CRCS cell phone policy will result in immediate confiscation of the phone and the appropriate assignment of consequences. Parents must pick up the confiscated phones from the main office.
  • Using any recording device to take pictures or videos on school property, school buses or school sponsored events is not permitted at any time.
  • Parents who wish to contact their child must do so through the school office.
  • Calvary Road Christian School is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged cell phones or electronic devices.

Responsible users may use technology such as Kindles, iPads, Nooks, or other e-readers that are not on a phone service or data plan to complete their reading requirements. IPods and smartphones may not be used. Below are guidelines for the use of these items.

  • Students may not access the internet on school grounds.
  • Students may not share devices with other students.
  • Students are not permitted to play games on their devices. Devices are solely for the purpose of reading e-books that CRCS deems appropriate.
  • Calvary Road Christian School is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged electronic devices.
  • Teachers are not responsible for the material that has been downloaded by the students.
  • All students must abide by the Computer/Technology Usage Policy as stated in the CRCS handbook.
  • Students who violate the guidelines will lose the privilege of bringing devices to school. Students may also be subject to other school disciplinary actions. Students who wish to bring these devices to school for the purpose of reading must fill out and sign the consent form available from the school.

2. Computer Usage Policy

CRCS believes that technology has much to offer students with its wide variety of resources. It is the school’s goal to educate students about efficient, ethical, and appropriate use of these resources. Students shall use school computers for educational purposes only. Educational purposes include designated teacher assignments and/or educational self-discovery activities during the school day and during extended care programs. Because it is impossible to anticipate all ways in which individuals may use these resources, the intent of this policy is for guided application of our principles. Access to computers, the Internet and other technology resources is a privilege. Permission for the use of computers, the Internet and other technology resources will be granted to students who have received appropriate training. The signed agreement form is required.

In addition to this policy, CRCS also uses Internet filtering software to protect our students from inappropriate Internet material. Although no filtering software is 100 percent effective, this policy and the Internet filtering software will provide a high level of protection for our students. Further, CRCS will provide age (grade) appropriate supervision of students while using technological resources including, but not limited to computers, the Internet, electronic devices, recording and photographic equipment and training that spells out appropriateness, general instruction, and technology etiquette.

The student will strive to act in all situations with honesty, integrity, and respect for the rights of others. The student will make a concerted effort to be a good testimony to fellow students, to faculty, staff and others with whom he/she interacts. Students may not use the technology to:

  • Download or install any type of software or other items, be it commercial software, shareware, malicious software, or freeware, onto network drives or disks, without direct teacher instructions.
  • Engage in illegal activity.
  • Share their account with others or use another user’s account.
  • Gain unauthorized access to resources or to circumvent computer network security, including web filtering software.
  • Read, copy, modify or erase other students’ files.
  • Deliberately attempt to disrupt the computer by hitting the power or sleep buttons, or by any other method, including vandalism.
  • Disable programs.
  • Horseplay or rough behavior that results in damage to computer equipment. Such action will result in disciplinary action and remuneration of broken equipment.
  • Reproduce copyrighted material without explicit written permission.
  • Plagiarize. Students shall stay within the bounds of the “fair use doctrine” of copyright law and must cite the source of information taken from the Internet. Students who plagiarize will be subject to academic penalties.
  • Download, listen to, or watch music, video, picture, or similar files unless specific permission is given by a staff member and the files are directly related to use for a school approved project. Under no circumstances may files be downloaded for a portable electronic device.
  • Post or publish inappropriate messages or information.
  • Students shall not use the Internet for purchasing products or services.
  • Students shall not play a computer game that allows them to communicate with anyone on the Internet (multi-player games).
  • Students shall not reveal personal contact information about themselves while on the Internet.
  • Students shall not communicate with someone on the Internet through email, chat, or any other similar program.
  • Should a student accidentally encounter inappropriate material they shall disengage from it immediately and report it to their teacher.
  • Students may not attempt to bypass the filter to access inappropriate material. Any attempt to do so will result in automatic suspension from the lab. Some inappropriate material would be, but not limited to, violent games and websites dealing with pornography and/or offensive language.

In addition, students may not:

  • use school provided technology resources to participate in financial gain/transactions or gaming.
  • engage in electronic communication including, but not limited to digital social networking, blogs, text messaging, instant messaging or personal email. Students may use a “flash drive” for purposes of transporting homework to and from school. No email is permitted for any purpose.
  • use a teacher’s computer at any time or for any reason.

Monitoring User Network Activity – In order to enforce policy statements regarding use of CRCS computer systems, CRCS reserves the right to monitor its user’s activity on the computer\networked systems. Monitoring will be performed on both a routine and random basis by system administrators for the purpose of assuring quality performance and appropriate use of school technology. In addition, CRCS may from time to time need to access messages and or files for back up, maintenance, and other administrative purposes. Users, therefore, should not have any expectations of personal privacy with respect to any message sent, received or file stored on any CRCS computer or electronic communications systems.

The internet user and his/her parent/guardian must understand that he/she uses the internet at his/her own risk.

Considering the provisions mentioned above, CRCS cannot assume responsibility for:

  • the reliability of the content of a source. Students must evaluate and cite sources appropriately.
  • inappropriate material that bypasses the web filtering software.
  • costs incurred if a student requests a product or a service for a fee.
  • any consequences of disruption in service that may result in lack of resources. Though every effort will be made to insure a reliable connection, there may be times when the Internet service is down or scheduled for use by teachers, classes, or other students.

Students who violate the above policy will be warned on the first offense and shall receive notification about the violation. Additional offenses will result in suspension from computer usage. Students will receive zeros on all computer assignments during the time of suspension. CRCS may suspend access to the computer lab upon violation of this agreement. Violation of this agreement may also result in disciplinary action in accordance with the disciplinary code.

3. Chromebook Policies

It is the vision of Calvary Road Christian School (CRCS) to help our students develop 21st century skills. The 1:1 Chromebook to student ratio will support collaboration, student engagement, remove obstacles of availability and space, and provide access to research tools to enrich the learning environment. Technology can enhance and promote student engagement in the learning process.

Students who are in grades Kindergarten through 2nd grade will use their school issued Chromebook to accesses the learning platform of SeeSaw . For those students who are in 3rd through 6th grade, the platform of Google Classroom will be used to support learning. Chromebooks maybe used both in the classroom and at home. The Chromebook allows student access to Google Apps for Education, educational web-based tools, as well as many other useful sites. The supplied device is an educational tool not intended for gaming, social networking or high end computing.

The immersion of technology into the learning environment does not diminish the importance of the classroom teacher. Technology, when put into the hands of excellent educators, provides opportunities to enhance teacher’s lessons and assists teachers in providing information in multiple ways. Incorporating technology will also assist teachers in presentations, student involvement, and evaluation of academics.

Use of all CRCS technology resources is a privilege, not a right. By using CRCS Internet Systems and devices, the student agrees to follow all CRCS regulations, policies and guidelines. Students and staff are encouraged to report misuse or breach of protocols to appropriate personnel, including building administrators, direct supervisors and the IT Director. Abuse of these privileges may result in one or more of the following consequences:

  • Suspension or cancellation of use and/or access of privileges.
  • Payments for damages or repairs.
    As set forth in the Introduction, this Handbook and the students are subject to all of the terms and conditions of the Calvary Road Christian School Computer Usage Policy.

We Believe

  • Technology impacts our everyday lives.
  • When technology is used in the classroom, it can encourage student engagement which in turn can increase student performance, interest, and enjoyment in school.
  • Technology must be designed so that it can be seamlessly implemented into the learning environment.
  • Online tools can assist teacher in presenting information in multiple ways.
  • It is important for teachers to have the ability to collaborate with other professionals and participate in professional develop through the use of technology.
  • Technology can provide all students with access to information and provide tools which support students in become lifelong learners.
  • Technology can support integration of multiple subjects simultaneously.
  • The inclusion of technology in the classroom can support individual learner’s interests, speed of learning, and preferred style of learning.
  • Technology in the hands of every learner today can help support the workers of tomorrow as students will develop problem solving skills for the 21st century.
  • It is important for teachers to use technology to dig deeper into God’s Word to help students develop a Biblical Worldview.

This Chromebook Handbook governs all electronic activity of students using and accessing CRCS’ technology, Internet, and data systems regardless of the user’s physical location.

Chromebooks will be distributed to each student at the beginning of the school year. Each Chromebook will be assigned to a particular student and will remain the responsibility of the student throughout the entire year. Parents/Guardians must sign the appropriate forms before the Chromebooks will be issued to a student.

Students who are asked to take their Chromebooks home by the classroom teacher are responsible for bringing their fully charged Chromebooks to class each day unless otherwise directed by the classroom teacher.

Students are responsible for the general care of the Chromebook which they have been issued by the school. Chromebooks that are broken or fail to work properly must be taken to the Technology Director’s office. If a loaner Chromebook is needed, one will be issued to the student until their Chromebook can be repaired or replaced.

  • No food or drink is allowed next to your Chromebook while it is in use.
  • Cords, cables, and removable storage devices must be inserted carefully into the Chromebook.
  • Students should never carry their Chromebook while the screen is open unless directed to do so by a teacher.
  • Chromebooks should be shut down when not in use to conserve battery life.
  • Chromebooks should never be wedged into a book bag as this may break the screen. Do not expose your Chromebook to extreme temperature or direct sunlight for extended periods of time. Extreme heat or cold may cause damage to the Chromebook.
  • Always bring your laptop to room temperature prior to turning it on.
  • Screen Care:


    • The Chromebook screen can be damaged if subjected to rough treatment. The screens are particularly sensitive to damage from excessive pressure on the screen.
    • Do not lean on top of the Chromebook
    • Do not place anything near the Chromebook that could put pressure on the screen.
    • Do not place anything in the carrying case that will press against the screen.
    • Do not poke the screen.
    • Do not place anything on the keyboard before closing the lid (e.g. pens, pencils, notebooks).
    • Clean the screen with a soft, dry anti-static, or micro-fiber cloth. Do not use window cleaner or any type of liquid or water on the Chromebook. You can also purchase individually packaged pre-moistened eyeglass lens cleaning tissues to clean the screen. These are very convenient and relatively inexpensive.


  • Cleaning of Keyboard:


    • Cleaning the Chromebook keyboard is necessary to protect against spreading germs.
    • You should always wash your hands prior to cleaning the keyboard.
    • Disinfecting a Chromebook keyboard is as simple as applying your favorite disinfecting product to the keys.
    • Don’t spray or apply liquid cleaners directly to any part of your Chromebook. Instead, apply liquid disinfectants to a cloth, making sure that your cloth is saturated enough to provide the surface contact time specified on the product’s label.
    • You can clean a Chromebook with a product such as disinfecting wipes.
    • To remove particles from the keys, turn the keyboard over and shake the device. You may also use a keyboard vacuum cleaner, if you have one, or use compressed air. A small brush or a cotton Q-tip may also be used.


  • Personalizing the Chromebook:


    • Chromebooks must remain free of any stickers, writing, or drawing. An unaltered identification label with the student’s name is the only acceptable exception in the Chromebook case. Spot checks for compliance will be done by classroom teacher, the IT Director, or the administration at any time.
    • Students may add appropriate music, photos, and videos to their Chromebook which relates to school projects.
    • Personalized media which relates to school projects are subject to inspection and must follow the CRCS acceptable use policy.
    • Students are permitted and encouraged to use a wireless mouse with their Chromebook.
    • Students in grades K-4 are not permitted to download specialty cursors or personalize their backgrounds. It is up to the discretion of the teachers in fifth and sixth grades.


  • Virus Protection


    Each Chromebook will have virus protection installed before they are distributed. Students or families will not be able to add or take off any additional software on their Chromebooks. Any questions in regards to the virus software should be directed to the IT Director.


  • Ethical and Appropriate Use


    CRCS integrates technology use in the learning environment at home and at school. As a modern technology, the Internet has the potential to assist learning as well as cause harm. While in the classroom, the Chromebooks will be used under the guidance of our professional staff; classroom teachers, assistants, enrichment staff, and the IT Director. These individuals closely monitor the use of technology while students are on campus. It is vital personal information of a minor not be shared in any way online.CRCS has a legal and moral obligation to protect the personal data of our students, families, and staff. At the same time, students and families must realize that all information, files, and data placed on these devices are the property of CRCS with and CRCS staff being able to review such electronic data at any time.All students, families, and staff must know their rights and responsibilities outlines in the Chromebook Handbook, the CRCS Computer Usage Form, and any applicable government regulations.


  • Privacy and Safety


    • Do not open or change any file which does not belong to you.
    • Unauthorized chat rooms and all chain mail are prohibited.
    • Do not reveal personal information such as telephone number, email address, social security number, or passwords. Remember that the information you store on the Chromebook is not guaranteed to be private or confidential.
    • Do not save personal information to the Chromebook which you do not wished to be viewed as Chromebooks are subject to inspection at any time.
    • It is the student’s responsibility to report any known security vulnerabilities to their classroom teacher or the administration.
    • Do not email anyone other than the teacher(s) or other students as directed by the classroom or enrichment teacher.While at home, the student should use their Chromebooks in a visible area.


  • Chromebooks at Home


    Parents are encouraged to set boundaries and restrictions on school Chromebooks while they are used at home. Chromebooks are Wi-Fi enabled and are able to access the Internet when wireless connections are available. Internet access is needed for students to complete their homework assignments.


    • While at home, the student should use their Chromebooks in a visible area.
    • Parents/Guardians are responsible for monitoring and assisting students while they are online.
    • Students are permitted to assess the internet at home or on any secure network.
    • The IT Department will not be able to assist with home networking issues.
    • Students should not share or allow others to use their Chromebooks.
    • The assigned Chromebooks will be the responsibility of the student and the student will be responsible for all content therein.
    • Parents are welcome to add restrictions to the use of Chromebooks if desired.


    CRCS recognizes that users may use CRCS email, devices, and network bandwidth for limited personal use; however, personal use should not interfere with or impede schoolwork and/or cause additional financial burden on CRCS. Excessive use of abuse of these privileges can be deemed in violation of the Computer Usage Policy.


  • Online Behavior


    Micah 6:8 says, “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God” (New International Version). As a school, we desire for our students to follow Christ’s calling in these three actions: Act Justly, Love Mercy, and Walk Humbly. When using the Chromebooks online, these three actions are the standard for which our school will operate.


    Act Justly- Remember that what is written, said and posted online is permanent reflection of oneself. CRCS is committed to honoring the name of Christ in all that is done. All that is posted, recorded, or written must be in alignment with all stated and federal rules. The Chromebooks are to be used for school assignments and should not be put in use for any unethical actions.


    Love Mercy- The CRCS Chromebooks are to be used to edify others and not tear anyone down. Cyberbullying will not be tolerated by the school administration. All communication must be presented with sensitivity to others.


    Walk Humbly- The expectation for all actions taken on the Chromebook is to meet a Christian standard of kindness, honesty, respect. When faced with situations which are stressful or upsetting, it is the expectation of the school that students will act with humility and honesty.


  • Learning Management Systems (LMS)


    Students who are in grades Kindergarten through 2nd grade will be using the learning platform of SeeSaw. Students who are in grades 3rd through 6th grade will utilize Google Classroom. Each student will have an account created by the school using an email address created through Google Mail. All students will be assigned to their teacher’s classroom account. Each student is responsible for assessing and completing assignments on their learning platform.


    Managing Files


    Students may save their files to a Google drive, or to external memory drive such as a USB flash drive. We highly recommend our younger students use only the Google Drive. By saving documents to a Google drive, it allows the file to be accessed anywhere the Internet is accessible. It is the responsibility of the student to maintain their files and to ensure the integrity of the documents.


    Students who are in grades Kindergarten through 2nd grade may be requested on occasion to submit their work on SeeSaw. SeeSaw will store and teachers will evaluate assignments on this platform. Students will be trained on proper submission of work within the first two weeks of school.


    For those students who are in grades 3rd through 6th grade, students may be asked on occasion to submit work through their account on Google Classroom. Students will be trained on how to manage their account and submit assignment on Google Classroom within the first two weeks of school.


    Student acknowledges that all information, files and data placed on the Chromebook or on a Google drive is the property of CRCS and may be reviewed, modified, or deleted by any staff member at CRCS at any time, for any reason. No such information, file or data should be considered private by the student.


  • Returning Chromebooks


    It is anticipated that once a Chromebook is issued to a student, that device will remain with the student for the entire time a student is enrolled at CRCS, unless the Chromebook suffers technical issues. Said device will be collected at the end of a school year for cleaning and possible reconfiguration, but the same device will be reissued to the student at the start of the next school year. CRCS reserves the right, however, to replace the device at any time during the school year or over the summer, for any reason, without cause. Any student who transfer out of CRCS will be required to return their Chromebook on their last day of attendance at CRCS.

CRCS Computer Devices Policy
Signature Page and Chromebook Check-Out

Computer Usage Policy 2022

The following information must be filled out and completed prior to Chromebooks being distributed. Forms which are not completed at the start of the school year will cause a delay in the distribution of your child’s Chromebook. One completed form is required for each student who attends CRCS.

Parent Agreement
Child Agreement

If you don’t want to submit the form online you can click the link below to download the file and submit to our school.

CRCS believes that technology has much to offer students with its wide variety of resources. It is the school’s goal to educate students about efficient, ethical, and appropriate use of these resources. Students shall use school computers for educational purposes only. Educational purposes include designated teacher assignments and/or educational self-discovery activities during the school day and during extended care programs. Because it is impossible to anticipate all ways in which individuals may use these resources, the intent of this policy is for guided application of our principles. Access to computers, the Internet and other technology resources is a privilege. Permission for the use of computers, the Internet and other technology resources will be granted to students who have received appropriate training. The signed agreement form is required.

In addition to this policy, CRCS also uses Internet filtering software to protect our students from inappropriate Internet material. Although no filtering software is 100 percent effective, this policy and the Internet filtering software will provide a high level of protection for our students. Further, CRCS will provide age (grade) appropriate supervision of students while using technological resources including, but not limited to computers, the Internet, electronic devices, recording and photographic equipment and training that spells out appropriateness, general instruction, and technology etiquette.

General Computer Usage

The student will strive to act in all situations with honesty, integrity, and respect for the rights of others. The student will make a concerted effort to be a good testimony to fellow students, to faculty, staff and others with whom he/she interacts. Students may not use the technology to:
  • Download or install any type of software or other items, be it commercial software, shareware, malicious software, or freeware, onto network drives or disks, without direct teacher instructions.

  • Engage in illegal activity.

  • Share their account with others or use another user’s account.

  • Gain unauthorized access to resources or to circumvent computer network security, including web filtering software.

  • Read, copy, modify or erase other students’ files.

  • Deliberately attempt to disrupt the computer by hitting the power or sleep buttons, or by any other method, including vandalism.

  • Disable programs.

  • Horseplay or rough behavior that results in damage to computer equipment. Such action will result in disciplinary action and remuneration of broken equipment.

  • Reproduce copyrighted material without explicit written permission.

  • Plagiarize. Students shall stay within the bounds of the “fair use doctrine” of copyright law and must cite the source of information taken from the Internet. Students who plagiarize will be subject to academic penalties.

  • Download , listen to, or watch music, video, picture, or similar files unless specific permission is given by a staff member and the files are directly related to use for a school approved project. Under no circumstances may files be downloaded for a portable electronic device.

  • Post or publish inappropriate messages or information

Internet Usage

  • Students shall not use the Internet for purchasing products or services.

  • Students shall not play a computer game that allows them to communicate with anyone on the Internet (multi-player games).

  • Students shall not reveal personal contact information about themselves while on the Internet.

  • Students shall not communicate with someone on the Internet through email, chat, or any other similar program.

  • Should a student accidentally encounter inappropriate material they shall disengage from it immediately and report it to their teacher.

  • Students may not attempt to bypass the filter to access inappropriate material. Any attempt to do so will result in automatic suspension from the lab. Some inappropriate material would be, but not limited to, violent games and websites dealing with pornography and/or offensive language.

  • In addition, students may not:

  • Use school provided technology resources to participate in financial gain/transactions or gaming.

  • Engage in electronic communication including, but not limited to digital social networking, blogs, text messaging, instant messaging or personal email. Students may use a “flash drive” for purposes of transporting homework to and from school. No email is permitted for any purpose.

  • Use a teacher’s computer at any time or for any reason.

Internet/Computers/CRCS Network Environment:

Monitoring User/Network Activity – In order to enforce policy statements regarding use of CRCS computer systems, CRCS reserves the right to monitor its user’s activity on the computer\networked systems. Monitoring will be performed on both a routine and random basis by system administrators for the purpose of assuring quality performance and appropriate use of school technology. In addition, CRCS may from time to time need to access messages and or files for back up, maintenance, and other administrative purposes. Users, therefore, should not have any expectations of personal privacy with respect to any message sent, received or file stored on any CRCS computer or electronic communications systems.

Technology Disclaimer

The Internet user and his/her parent/guardian must understand that he/she uses the Internet at his/her own risk. Considering the provisions mentioned above, CRCS cannot assume responsibility for:
  • The reliability of the content of a source. Students must evaluate and cite sources appropriately.

  • Inappropriate material that bypasses the web filtering software.

  • Costs incurred if a student requests a product or a service for a fee.

  • Any consequences of disruption in service that may result in lack of resources. Though every effort will be made to insure a reliable connection, there may be times when the Internet service is down or scheduled for use by teachers, classes, or other students.

Disciplinary Process

Students who violate the above policy will be warned on the first offense and shall receive notification about the violation. Additional offenses will result in suspension from computer usage. Students will receive zeros on all computer assignments during the time of suspension. CRCS may suspend access to the computer lab upon violation of this agreement. Violation of this agreement may also result in disciplinary action in accordance to the disciplinary code of CRCS.

Students will not be allowed to use school computers until we have a signed copy of this agreement on file.

Computer Usage Policy

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